Mali tree is known to have two types which are the white and red mali. Teras Mali was one of the rare kinds of wood and is sought after by fans of kayu teras. Most of the teras obtained are the red types.
• According to the old record books, in terms of usefulness, Kayu Mali has lesser advantages compared to “kayu larak salah”. (also very difficult to find)
• In the old records, it states that Mali wood can be used as house protection/ barrier of house and the others can be used to bring down an enemy with certain verses.
• Kayu Mali is used to fight and destroy the black magic act in the form of jinn, devils and demons. In addition it is also among the best self-protection item (even better than larak salah according to the book)
Other benefits:
-Weaken Enemy
----------------------------------I do not own text or picture (Google Images)-----------------------------
• Pokok mali diketahui mempunyai 2 jenis iaitu mali bunga putih dan mali merah. Teras mali merupakan diantara teras yang amat sukar diperolehi dan juga dicari oleh peminat kayu teras. Kebanyakan teras yang diperolehi adalah berwarna merah.
• Mengikut kitab tua lama teras ini dari segi khasiatnya mempunyai kelebihan sedikit berbanding kayu larak salah (juga amat sukar diperolehi)

• Teras mali pula digunakan untuk melawan dan menghancurkan perbuatan sihir berupa jin, syaitan dan iblis. Selain itu ianya juga merupakan pakaian diri yang antara terbaik disamping juga menjurus kearah pelimun sebagaimana larak salah (lagi elok berbanding larak salah mengikut kitab)
Khasiat Lain:
-Melemahkan semangat lawan
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